포스터 배경이미지. Exhibition poster background image
하바나 비엔날레 2019의 포스터이미지. Exhibition poster image of BIENAL DE LA HABANA 2019

하바나 비엔날레 2019 BIENAL DE LA HABANA 2019

The Bienal de La Habana was founded in 1984. It takes place in Havana (Cuba) every two years. It principally aims at promoting the developing world in contemporary art circles, giving priority to Latin American and Caribbean artists, although artists from all over the world submit works.

Since its first edition in 1984, the Biennial event has had central themes, among them tradition and contemporary times, challenges, art, society and reflection, man and memory, life with art and urban life. Works emphasize mainly paintings and other two-dimensional displays, using a variety of techniques.

Subject: The Construction of the Possible. Director: Jorge Alfonso This edition of the Havana Biennial was intended to encourage interaction among artists, curators, experts and institutions in a variety of procedures that provide variants of sustainability, without departing from the propositional character that every work or artistic project represents. We aspire for art to point out new paths of collective reasoning and for its realizations to offer, from the confrontation of different creative and circulation models, a greater rapprochement between audiences, localities and levels of experience. Together with the idea of responding to the present, these practices would outline possible notions of the future that, at least on the poetic or symbolic level, correspond to some needs of social transformation.

For the first time ever, The Havana Biennial also took place in other Cuban cities, including Matanzas, where Intermittent Rivers took place. As an invited artist to the 13th Havana Biennial, María Magdalena Campos-Pons took the opportunity to initiate a project that would revitalize the artistic community of Matanzas.It has been actively supported by the Wifredo Lam Center, as well as institutions in Matanzas, such as Provincial Council for Visual Arts, the Galería Pedro Esquerré and an international curatorial team that includes Octavio Zaya, Salah M. Hassan, Annie Aguettaz, and Selene Wendt.[6]

  • 위프레도 람 현대미술관 안내 about Contemporary Art Center Wifredo Lam
    • 위프레도 람 현대미술관의 공간 이미지입니다. Space introduction image of Contemporary Art Center Wifredo Lam

      위프레도 람 현대미술관 Contemporary Art Center Wifredo Lam

      • 설립 Established


      • 분류 Categorized

        미술관 Museum

      • 주소 Address

        San Ignacio 22, esquina a Empedrado Plaza de la Catedral La Habana Vieja / Cuba

      • 연락처 Contact to

        Phone: +537 861-20-96 Fax: Email: cacwifredolam@gmail.com

      • 운영정보 Operation

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