2005 -
The International Contemporary Art Prize rewards a recent work, proposed by a professional (art critic, curator of exhibitions, researcher, collector, director of an institution or independent place, etc.). Since 2005, it has been awarded every 3 years.
The winner is awarded the sum of 75,000 euros, including funding for the production of an original work.
Likewise, PIAC, which recognizes the importance of art writing and critical thinking, is committed to promoting the voices that matter in this field. The Prize for a Critical Essay on Contemporary Art is awarded for a text on this subject whether it is a scientific, theoretical or critical piece. It is awarded to a person or a collective (writers, theorists, academics or practitioners) who use writing as the main media or as a study strategy to undertake innovative and original research.
International Contemporary Art Prize, old formula
Since its attachment to the Prince Pierre of Monaco Foundation and until 2004, this Prize, reserved for fundamental disciplines (painting, drawing, sculpture) gave rise to an exhibition bringing together artists, previously selected by the Jury. Two main rewards were awarded:
the Grand Prix of HSH the Sovereign Prince
the Princess Grace Foundation Prize. Until 1996 the Prize was awarded to artists under 35 and from 1997 it was awarded to artists under 40.
The above content has been excerpted from https://www.fondationprincepierre.mc/