1958 -
일본 JAPAN   
Born in 1958 in Gifu. Completed graduate school at Tokyo University of the Arts and currently holds a professorship. Since received attention for his artworks made out of cardboard while he was still a student at the university, Hibino has been presenting at both solo and group exhibitions within and outside Japan as well as engaging with diverse fields encompassing from theatre production to public art. In recent years, he has been running workshops across Japan featuring distinctiveness of each place and involving general public. Awards received include the 3rd Japan Graphic Exhibition grand-prize (1982), the 30th ADC Award grand-prize (1983), the 1st JACA Exhibition grand-prize and Mainichi Design Prize grand-prize (1999). Participated in Sydney Biennale (1986, Australia) and Venice Biennale (1995, Italy).
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