1971 -
쿠바 CUBA   
Adonis Flores is a multidisciplinary artist. His practice includes photography, video, installation, performance and interventions in public space. His more adavanced series remains, so far, Camuflajes – mainly made of photographs, in which, by using military outfit and autoreference, the artist plays various characters that get inserted in quotidian life. He questions the human condition through themes such as fragility, violence, insécurity, power, unrational items, or death. Not only do those artworks steam from his own life experiences under Castro and from his involvement as a soldat in Angola in 1989 during his military service, but also do they arise from the current global situation. His performances and behaviours use humour and game-like actions to show the several hues of a soldat or even of a simple man. Adonis practice remains firmly connected to the rest of the planet thanks to those topics.