
이수경 Sookyung Yee

이수경은 서울대학교에서 서양화 전공으로 학사와 석사를 수여하였다. 졸업 후, 프랑스 니스에서 Villa Arson Residency Program에 참여하였고 뉴욕 브롱스미술관과 Apex Art, 한국 쌈지스튜디오와 경기창작센터에서 레지던시를 하였다. 이수경은 조각, 설치, 영상, 회화, 드로잉, 퍼포먼스 등의 작품을 통해 전통과 현대, 동양성 및 미술을 통한 치유의 기능을 제시한다. 작가가 주목한 것은 깨어지고 버려진 도자기 파편들로 서로 다른 도자기에서 나온 조각들을 조합해 기존의 전형적인 도자기의 형태가 아닌, 작가에 의해 새롭게 변형된 모습의 도자기로 만들어 낸다.

Yeesookyung has steadily expanded the spectrum of her work into diverse areas, including installations, sculpture, performance, video art, painting, and drawing, based on a rich narrative imagination. She has established her own world of art while exploring the themes of the fundamental questions we have such as the past and present; life and death; reality and unreality; secular or sacred things; individuals and others; society and systems, and cultures of different countries. Yee has unfolded her unique artistic universe in connection with her own experiences and inspirations from ancient mythology and stories.

Yeesookyung has solidified her position on the international stage by holding multiple solo exhibitions, including Nine Dragons in Wonderland, The Page Gallery, Seoul (2022); I am not the only one but many, Massimo De Carlo Galley, London, UK (2020); Whisper Only to You, MDRE & Capodimonte Museum, Naples, Italy (2019); Saint Breeder, Atelier Hermès, Seoul (2015); When I become you, Yeesookyung in Taipei, Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei, Taiwan (2015). Yeesookyung was also invited to the 57th Venice Biennale, titled VIVA ARTE VIVA curated by Christine Macel, in Arsenale (2017).

Her works are in the collections of museums overseas, including The British Museum, London, UK; Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, USA; Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul; Salama Bint Hamdan Al Nahyan Foundation, Abu Dhabi, UAE; M+ Museum, Hong Kong; Mystetskyi Arsenal, Kyiv, Ukraine; Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, USA; National Museum of Contemporary Art, Gwacheon, Korea; Leeum, Samsung Museum of Art, Seoul; ARCO Collection, IFEMA, Madrid, Spain; Bristol Museum, Bristol, UK and Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, USA.

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