
나오미 린콘 갈라르도 Naomi Rincón Gallardo

  • 출샌연도 Born in

    1979 -

  • 국가 Nationality

    멕시코 MEXICO   Country flag of MEXICO

  • 등록작품 Works Registered


  • 등록전시 Exhibitions Registered


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나오미 린콘 갈라르도는 멕시코 예술가로, 반식민지와 탈식민지 페미니즘을 통한 유럽 중심주의, 추출주의 및 개발 신조의 비판적 관점에서 글로벌 남부, 특히 멕시코의 “반세계의 창조” 또는 대안 세계를 다룬다. 그는 작품에서 음악, 연극 게임, 유머에 대한 관심을 통합하여 보여준다. <불결의 시>(2021)는 착란에 빠진 한 메소아메리카 여신이 흩어진 시체와 유적을 찾아 황무지를 파해치는 장면으로 시작한다. 지하 세계 피조물들과 주체할 수 없이 더듬는 팔들은 쾌락을 좇아 죽지 않는 상태로 되살아나고, 여신은 독수리 무리와 함께 이들의 집단 반란을 부추긴다.

Naomi Rincón Gallardo (North Carolina, USA, 1979) is a multidisciplinary Mexican artist. Her artistic production addresses the “creation of counterworlds” or alternative worlds in the Global South, especially in Mexico, from a critical perspective of Eurocentrism, extractivism and the creed of development through an anti-racist and decolonial feminism. In her work, the artist, who lives in Mexico City, integrates her interest in music, theatrical games and humor. Rincón Gallardo is a member of the National System of Art Creators 2019-2022 of the National Fund for Culture and the Arts of Mexico. Her academic training includes a PhD in Practice at the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts, a degree in Plastic Arts from the ENPEG “La Esmeralda” and a master’s program in Education: Culture, Language and Identity / Crossectoral-Community Arts of Goldsmiths of London.

She has participated in individual and group exhibitions: Resiliencia Tlacuache, 11th Biennial of Contemporary Art of Berlin (2020), Sangre Pesada, XIII Biennial FEMSA “Nunca fuimos contemporáneos”, Mexico (2018); Ocotepec Odyssey, Akademie der Künste der Welt, Köln (2014); Sex, Drugs and Rock&Roll, Museo del Chopo (2014); Mexico Inside Out – Themes in Art since 1990, Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth (2013); Between Utopia and Disenchantment, Jardín Borda, Cuernavaca, Morelos (2014) and The incessant Cycle Between Idea and Action, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Carrillo Gil (2012).

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