2006 -
In 2006 the Samuel I. Newhouse Foundation established the
Wynn Newhouse Awards This Awards program provides grants to artists of excellence who happen to have disabilities. The Foundation currently allocates $60,000 per year for these Awards. These funds will be distributed among winners at the discretion of the invited judges on the selection committee.
Works by winning artists will also be on exhibition at the Palitz Gallery, at the Joseph I. Lubin House at 11 East 61st Street in New York City.
Nominees and winners will be chosen by a committee composed of persons respected in the arts and disabilities communities.
All eligible artists must be nominated.
To be eligible for nomination, candidates must be fine artists of professional standing with a disability, as recognized by the Americans with Disabilities Act.
The above content has been excerpted from http://www.wnewhouseawards.com/Pages/About.html