핀란드 FINLAND   
Tellervo Kalleinen is a Helsinki based contemporary artist working with participatory cinema, installation, performance, public art and music. Her work bases on creative collaboration.
Duo Kalleinen & Kochta-Kalleinen Tellervo forms a duo with Oliver Kochta-Kalleinen. Their collaboration started in Helsinki in 2003, when they oranised The First Summit of Micronations in the role of the curators of Amorph!03-performance festival (produced by Artists´Association MUU). In 2005 they founded Complaints Choirs -concept, which has spread to more than 150 cities around the world as an open source concept. They have made participatory cinema works such as The Making of Utopia (2006), People in White (2011), Dreamland (2010), I love my Job and Archipelago Science Fiction (2011). The interactive video installation 101 For All (2015) looks beyond the opinions and statistics of a cross-section of the Finnish population. Keskustelupuisto (2018-2020) was a 2 year public space game, which invited inhabitants of Rauma to make a new park to their town. A book about their learnings in the project was released in Spring 2022. They are currently working on a digital art work Yhteinen mielenmaisema / Common Mind Scape for a cancer hospital (Siltasairaala, HUS) in Helsinki.
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