
다니아 곤잘레스 사나브리아 Dania Gonzalez Sanabria

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    쿠바 CUBA   Country flag of CUBA

  • 등록작품 Works Registered


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My processes of work make me adopt the spiritual as a fundamental pillar. The sensitivity to the emotive and the human phenomena becomes cause of my creation, and, at the same time its purpose. I affirm creative process should be assumed as vital manifestation and a way of canalize energies and states of spirit and conscience. To me, it is important to develop art as a spiritual practice, as experience, as a way to get an implication with the world. I think that, by the realization of art as an answer to that sensitivity and coming from human and vital motivations, as a way for liberation and spiritual growing, will be possible to create in the spectator a conscience about these topics; an approach to the sensitive, to the subjective part of the human being, and I think that topics, about human beings and their feelings, their role in the world, taking part of it, their ways of finding transcendence beyond physical levels, are always present, and are everlasting because of their importance. I believe processes of work should be carrier of questions and a way for human improvement, pretending to make the spectator reflect about spiritual values, which lead themselves also to a reflection about social behaviors and attitudes, since transformations of the thought of the individuals contribute to generating social transformations. I think that, if art has the ability to making changes to society, so, an art that searches for human improvement, and generate questions to people about their own spirituality, also can influence a social improvement, from the values which it pretends to exalt.


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