루이 세자르 캄포스님의 프로필 이미지입니다. profile of Ruy Cezar Campos.s

루이 세자르 캄포스 Ruy Cezar Campos

  • 출샌연도 Born in

    1989 -

  • 국가 Nationality

    브라질 BRAZIL   Country flag of BRAZIL

  • 등록작품 Works Registered


  • 등록전시 Exhibitions Registered


  • 웹사이트 Website


  • 연락처 Contact to


Ruy Cézar Campos (Fortaleza, 1989) is an artist-researcher. His projects seek to establish meta-reflections about discreet flows of data and fossil resources, to perform infrastructural landscapes, approach media materialities in the context of the contemporary climate, to entangle art and media archaeology for intercultural methodologies and to investigate digital networks embodied experience.


등록된 전시가 없습니다.
No Exhibitions Registered.

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